The February Gothic Funk Salon will feature the work of Bob Campbell, Vivian Kao, Kimberly Matthon, and Michael Thomas.
$10 recommended donation includes entry in a raffle. Bring an original love sonnet (no AI!) for a chance to win a gift certificate to Queens’ Provisions.
Learn more about the Gothic Funk Salon.
Bob Campbell is a writer based in Flint. His debut novel, Motown Man, was published in November 2020 by Urban Farmhouse Press. His creative nonfiction, essays and novel excerpts have appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Belt Magazine, Forge Literary Magazine, Hypertext Magazine, All Write in Sin City (podcast), and Gravel Magazine. He is a contributor to Belt Publishing’s Midwest Architecture Journeys, published in October 2019. His essay is titled “The Flat Lots of Flint: A Liminal State of Mind.”

Vivian Kao is Associate Professor of English at Lawrence Technological University. She is the 2024-2025 Writer-in-Residence at the Buckham Fine Arts Project, and her book of poems, Dear Mrs. River-Dragon, was published by Another New Calligraphy in 2024. Her poems have appeared in East Village Magazine and Apricity. She lives in Flint, Michigan.

Kimberly Matthon has lived in Flint for over twenty years, but nowhere has felt more like home than her own imagination. (She may also have paid a mortgage’s worth in frappuccinos at the local bookstore’s café, but that’s a whole other story.) Between working part-time in her family’s catering business, putting together Lego kits, and keeping track of her seven nieces and nephews, she somehow finds the time to write anything from poetry to novel-length works, most of which are in the genre of fantasy and science-fiction.

Michael Thomas is a writer and poet who specializes in short speculative fiction. He has had two works in the QUA and is working towards publishing his own collection of short stories. You can follow him and read quotes from the books he’s reading at: .